Wednesday, October 19, 2011


other source:)

I. Introduction

A. Imagine choosing to live in a small town with houses so close- packed together, trash everywhere, and people all around you dying.

B. That is exactly what slums are.

C. Slums affect the world in a negative way  because they are not sanitary, there is little medical care, and there is only a limited amount of space.

D. Slums, which are very crowded, are also very unsanitary.

II. Defendable Point #1

A. Slums are very Unsanitary.

B.  As Source 3 states, "there are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways"(Mumbai's slum life poses world problem).

C. Slums are very unsanitary and they are very hazardous to one's health.

D. Slums are not only very unsanitary, but there is also little medical care.

III. Defendable Point # 2

A. There is little medical care in slums.

B. As Source 5 says that if the lack of medical care in slums continues to be neglected, then the consequences would be disastrous(Slum health: Diseases of neglected populations)

C. If the lack of medical care is continually ignored, then this will affect the rest of that country and eventually the world.

D. Slums not only have a need for medical care, but they also have a small amount of space.

IV. Defendable point # 3
 A. Slums have a limited amount of space.

B. Slums are mostly occupied by young people. As Source 2 says, "most slum dwellers are young people"(Cities of the Poor I: Life in the Slums(Kenya)).

C.This means that young people are starting to worry about prices because they now have to work for the money to pay for everything they need or want. They compare the prices of houses in the city and housing in slums and the slums are a lot cheaper. Therefore, most of the people living in slums are young people.

D. Slums have a limited amount of space, but they are also unsanitary and can provide little or no medical care.

V. Conclusion

A. Look around and expect to see trash everywhere, houses really close- packed together, and people dying all around you.

B. Slums affect the world in a negative way  because they are not sanitary, there is little medical care, and there is only a limited amount of space.

C. Slums are not sanitary, meaning a person could get sick just by breathing in the dirty air there. They also have a really bad medical system, which means the diseases will spread all over and for some of the diseases to be uncureable because of lack of medicine and medical supplies. Finally, slums are very crowded which can also lead to disease due to close proximity to urine and other unsanitary materials in the slums which can't be thrown out or stored anywhere else.

D. Slums are a lot cheaper than housing in cities and many young people are starting to look to them for an option for where to live. Slums are very hazardous to one's health. Think about whether or not the risk would be a small one to take when looking for good housing.

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